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Quick reference guide for Cook County state and federal courts

The Lawyers’ Handbook provides quick access to telephone numbers and addresses of federal, state and Cook County courts located in Chicago and the surrounding judicial circuits. This portable directory provides current contact information for selected departments of local, state and federal government. Cook County Circuit Court filing fees are listed. Also included are hard-to-find fax numbers and selected e-mail addresses.
- Court Fees.
Find Circuit Court of Cook County filing fees. - Judicial Guide.
Confirm judge room numbers and contact information. - Dependable.
Regularly updated information you can rely upon.
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Lawyers' Handbook
c/o Sullivan's Law Directory
60-B W. Terra Cotta Ave., #189
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
c/o Sullivan's Law Directory
60-B W. Terra Cotta Ave., #189
Crystal Lake, IL 60014