Business Development Services help identify prospective clients and promote your practice
The elite faculty for this conference included representation from the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism, the Illinois ARDC, malpractice insurance carriers, the Cook County judiciary, law practice and marketing consultants, veteran Chicago lawyers and professional defense practitioners. Over 300 attendees earned 3 PMCLE (ethics) credits in the morning and 3 PMCLE (ethics) credits in the afternoon program.
Law Practice Business Models
Donald Brown, Partner, Donohue Brown Mathewson & Smyth
Jerry Latherow, Principal, Latherow Law Office
Todd Scott, Vice President of Risk Management,
Minnesota Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company
Marketing Mayhem: Gaining clients while
playing by the Rules
Deane Brown, Partner, Beermann Pritikin Mirabelli Swerdlove
Wendy Muchman, Litigation Group Manager, Illinois ARDC
Debra Pickett, Partner, Page 2 Communications
TechnoSafe: Profiting with Technology
Christopher Anderson, Esq., Product Manager, LexisNexis
Wendy Muchman, Litigation Group Manager, Illinois ARDC
Jayne Reardon, Executive Director, Illinois Supreme Court
Commission on Professionalism
Unwittingly Forming the Attorney-Client Relationship
& Unknowingly Creating Conflicts
George Collins, Member, Collins, Bargione & Vuckovich
Philip Fowler, Partner, Tribler, Orpett & Meyer
Your Trust Account at Risk: Outside Scams, Inside Jobs
& the Impact of Amended Rule 1.15
C. Steven Baker, Director, Midwest Region, Federal Trade Commission
Tracy Kepler, Senior Litigation Counsel
Todd Scott, Vice President of Risk Management,
Minnesota Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company
Maintaining Confidentiality & Handling Inadvertent Disclosure
John Duffy, Partner, Donohue Brown Mathewson & Smyth
Stephanie Stewart-Page, Senior Attorney, Gloor Law Group
Scott Renfroe, Chief of Supreme Court Practice, Illinois ARDC