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The Midwest’s Premier Annual IP CLE Event
As in past years, Law Bulletin Seminars again presented a noted faculty discussing current intellectual property issues facing businesses and those who represent them. More than 200 attendees gained practical advice from top local practitioners and heard valuable perspectives from in-house counsel, as well as former and current members of the USPTO. In addition to general sessions, a portion of this half-day seminar offered trademark and patent breakout sessions. Illinois attorneys earned 3.5 MCLE credits, including 1 Ethics credit.
General Session
Trends from the Courts and the USPTO
John Augustyn, Leydig Voit & Mayer
Hon. James Holderman, Chief Judge, US District Court, NDIL
Bardford Lyerla, Jenner & Block
Matthew Walch, Latham & Watkins
Patent Track
The Impact of the America Invents Act
Mark Bach, Senior Counsel, Navistar, Inc.
Reginald Hill, Jenner & Block
Bruce Kisliuk, Assistant Deputy Commissioner
for Patent Operations, USPTO
John Paniaguas, Katten Muchin Rosenman
Patent Track
Patent Litigation
Jennifer Freeman, Senior Legal Consultant, Kroll Ontrack
Donald Rupert, Marshall Gerstein & Borun
Daniel Shulman, Chief IP Counsel, Reynolds Group Holdings
Gerald Willis, McAndrews Held & Malloy
Trademark Track
Non-traditional Trademarks
Scott McDonald, General Counsel, IP, Mars, Inc.
Lynn Sullivan, Leydig Voit & Mayer
Brian Weber, Office of Quality Review & Training, USPTO
Trademark Track
Protecting Corporate Brands
Peggy Davis, General Counsel, Metropolitan Pier and
Exposition Authority
Ronald DiCerbo, McAndrews Held & Malloy
Michael Graham, Marshall Gerstein & Borun
General Session
Ethical Pitfalls & IP Lawyer Misconduct:
The OED & ARDC weigh in
Julie Katz, Husch Blackwell
Jerry Larkin, Administrator, Illinois ARDC
Cameron Weiffenbach, Miles & Stockbridge, former
Director of The Office of Enrollment & Discipline, USPTO