Business Development Services help identify prospective clients and promote your practice
Four hundred attendees of this timely, annual seminar earned their full requirement of 4 PMCLE credits as they heard discussions and presentations on ethical issues that are currently challenging Illinois attorneys. The audience participated in hypothetical scenarios and witnessed presentations on law office practice management. The diverse faculty was comprised of certified consultants, veteran Chicago lawyers, professional defense practitioners, a malpractice insurance carrier, the Illinois ARDC, a Cook County judge and the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism.
Anatomy of an ARDC Proceeding: Grievance to Disposition
Henry Kelly, Panel Chair, Illinois ARDC Hearing Board
Lea Black, Litigation Counsel, Illinois ARDC
George Collins, Collins, Bargione & Vuckovich
Scott Renfroe, Illinois ARDC
Client Communications, Advertising, Virtual Offices, Social Media, the Attorney- Client Relationship
Jerry Larkin, Administrator, Illinois ARDC
Philip Fowler, Gloor Law Group
Jayne Reardon, Executive Director, Illinois Supreme
Court Commission on Professionalism
Technology & Law Practice Risk Management
Todd Scott, Minnesota Lawyers Mutual
Insurance Company
Todd Flaming, KrausFlaming
Jeffrey Krause, on behalf of LexisNexis, Certified
Independent Consultant
Conflicts of Interest
Hon. Thomas More Donnelly, Circuit Court of
Cook County
Gordon Nash, Drinker Biddle & Reath
Stephanie Stewart-Page, Gloor Law Group
415 N. State Street
Chicago, IL 60654