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The Midwest’s Premier Annual IP CLE Event
More than 160 Chicagoland corporate counsel and intellectual property law practitioners were present in the Continental Ballroom of the Hilton Chicago on February 8th to hear about current legislation and recent significant case law impacting businesses and their patent, copyright and trademark assets.
In addition to a keynote address by a USPTO representative and a discussion of the protection of trade secrets, top IP experts provided the latest information and advice for dealing with the changing landscape of IP law.
Breakout sessions catering to both patent and copyright/trademark attorneys were offered.
The State of the USPTO
Sharon Barner, former Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Deputy Director, US Patent and Trademark Office
Protecting Trade Secrets
John Augustyn, Leydig Voit & Mayer
Kareem Irfan, General Counsel IP/IT, Schneider Electric
Julie Katz, Husch Blackwell
Dean Pelletier, McAndrews Held & Malloy
Susan Radde, Assistant General Counsel,
True Value Company
Patent Track
Patent Mismarking: 2010 and Beyond
Douglas Eveleigh, Chief IP & Litigation Counsel,
Solo Cup Co.
Edward Rice, Loeb & Loeb
Donald Rupert, Marshall Gerstein & Borun
Patent Track
The Scope of Patentability
David Applegate, Williams Montgomery & John
Hon. James Holderman, Chief Judge,
US District Court, NDIL
K. Shannon Mrksich, Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione
Paul Rodriguez, Chief Patent Counsel, RR Donnelley
Robert Surrette, McAndrews Held & Malloy
Copyright/Trademark Track
Consumer Confusion or Profitable Promotion?
Gregory Chinlund, Marshall Gerstein & Borun
Jeff Cohen, Analysis Group
Beth Fulkerson, Assistant General Counsel,
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Maureen Gorman, former Trademark Examiner,
US Patent and Trademark Office
Copyright/Trademark Track
Fighting Infringing Online Content and Sales
David Fleming, Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione
Sal Karottki, Assistant General Counsel Intellectual Property, Tribune Co.
Sharon Marsh, Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy, US Patent and Trademark Office
Nerissa McGinn, Loeb & Loeb
Leonard Rubin, Midwest Chapter Chair, The Copyright Society of the USA
415 N. State Street
Chicago, IL 60654