The JVR publishes confidential settlements. Any information that is requested in our form that should remain confidential, simply indicate “confidential” in the form field. You do not need to indicate the names of the parties or any information that could reveal the identity of the parties. However, to publish a confidential settlement, we do need the following information:

  • The venue, i.e., where the initial complaint was filed, or, if the matter was settled pre-suit, where the complaint would have been filed if the matter had not settled;
  • Information about the plaintiff including the age (or age range), gender, and a general description of the injuries, including the body part affected and, if applicable, any medical procedures the plaintiff underwent; and
  • A general description of the circumstances that gave rise to litigation. We need enough detail so we can tell a story. For example, if your client was injured in a motor vehicle accident, it is not sufficient to say “motor vehicle accident.” We need to know how it occurred (for example, rear-end collision, head-on collision, improper lane change).

In addition to this information, we need to confirm that the settlement has indeed occurred. We can do that by one of two ways: Provide us with the case file number and we can confirm it ourselves (we will not publish the case number if you instruct us to keep it confidential). Or, provide us the names of defense attorneys and we will email them to request a confirmation of the settlement (we will not publish the names of defense attorneys).

If you have any questions regarding the process of submitting confidential settlement reports, or any general questions regarding settlements, please contact Beth Zaretsky at the Jury Verdict Reporter (


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